After we lost Magic, there was a hole the size of a 95-pound labrador in our home and hearts. We spent months visiting shelters, stopping by adoption events, looking into breeder recommendations, and contemplating whether we were ready for a puppy.
As fate would have it, a friend of mine recommended we try fostering. We went through the training at the Irvine Animal Care Center (highly recommended) and decided to try our hand with kittens first, for ease and containment concerns.
I'm happy to say that we've now had the pleasure of fostering three times! All experiences were different, but let me tell's been SOOOO rewarding!
First, we had a singleton named Chloe. She just needed a little more time to make weight. (Did you know that kittens are typically ready for adoption when they're eight weeks and at least two pounds? Tiny babies!)
Second, we had a trio of brothers named Rae, Robin and Rosin (who we renamed Rowan based on his little personality). They were only 4-ish weeks old when we got them, just beginning to eat on their own.
And most recently, we had a quartet of siblings who were all named after chips (Frito, Cheeto, etc.) but we couldn't remember which was which so while in our care, we called them Misty, Stormy, Marilyn and Monroe. (Can you guess who's who in the picture above?)
Yes, there were some things that we didn't expect: a few days of tummy/potty issues, an injury that wasn't really an injury but a birth defect that led to a longer-term medical foster and ultimately an amputation (UGH! But he did great and was still adopted!!), and sassy kittens who had to learn that humans were not so scary. And of course there were tears with every return, but still, we're back in the system and waiting for the next call.
Somehow, these little purring+cuddling+playing machines, have the power to wipe away stress, sadness, worry, and boredom within minutes! And our time with them has had a healing effect that we couldn't have imagined.
Plus, we get to see these sweet little smushes launch into life. We pray that each one finds their very best forever home and that they'll always remember the brief bit of time that we got to love them.
So my PSA: if you have a spare bedroom and some extra love to share, please consider fostering. It's so so good for the soul.
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